Influence of english language

Influence of english language

What influence did Christianity have on Old English?

More than 500 years from Christianity appearing in Britain to the end of the old English period. And it has started in 597. Latin words gradually making their way into the English language also Latin culture infiltrated into English. Those Latin words are connected with religious rituals. In the 7th century, the wave of religious sentiment resulted from missionary zeal. For this, they established church buildings and monasteries. They also used Latin words. The establishment of monasteries was responsible for the importance of Latin words in the Vocabulary. At that time Bible was written in the Latin language. They enrich the vocabulary. But it was not easy to occur that knowledge overnight. Some words came soon but the others words come at the end of this period. In the time of Alfred, most of the words are found and occurred. They found their path into literature in the time of Alfred and the other half come in the 10th and 11th centuries and they accompanied the Benedictine Reform. They will consider separately.
Those words introduced by the new religion. Few words also relating to Christianity such as church and bishop the great majority of words in old English having to do with the church. Many words have survived and Changed in modern English. Such as abbot, arms, altar, angle, ark, candle, Arian, etc. Some words influenced the domestic life of the people. Such as Cap, sock, silk, purple, denoting foods, pear, radish. A large number of words are connected with education. Such as School, master, grammatical, verse, metes, gloss, notary. Old English also borrowed some verbs and adjectives such as, as per dan (to spend, L. expender), distant (L. dictate), Persian (to weigh, L. pentane), Zynga (to pick, L. pungent), etc. Many Latin words were borrowed in the early days of Christianity in the old period of English and for this, the English people will be owed for the church.

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