Syllables in English

syllable definition, syllable open, syllable stressed, syllabic, syllabication, monosyllabic

Syllables in english Syllables: It is a unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds. It is a pronunciation of a word which is having one vowel sound with or without consonants. If forming the whole part of a word. Syllables example: Water (two syllable word). There are 7 types of syllables in English … Read more

Figures of speech list: Definition, Examples

figure of speech examples, figure of speech meaning, figures of speech, Figures of speech list

Figures of speech list Figures based on Imagination A. Personification: Personification is a figure of speech that represents the ideas or animals as if humans. They also act like human beings.  Example:   “Time and tide wait for none.”  “The Leaves waved in the wind” B. Pathetic Fallacy: Pathetic Fallacy is a figure of speech in … Read more

Grimm’s law examples

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Grimm’s law examples One of the most important principles of linguistics, Grimm’s law is an attempt to explain why certain words sound the way they do. The law has many applications, and it is widely used to explain how a word sounds. It is not a perfect rule, however, as some exceptions to its generalization … Read more

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